Friday, January 22, 2010


Ya that's right I have one to many Bosses in this House Hold! Monday I thought I would be Nice and make a roast for dinner ,While I was getting it ready to Brown Johnny comes in and says what you making ? I told Him I was just going to put a roast on , He Precedes to ask me if I want him to do it I said Freak no, I am doing just fine but thanks. Well to make a long story short he said Bum witch is what he calls me your Roasts suck and I don't mean it rude but they do! So I let him cook the roast.

Last Night I made a casserole the looked way yummy , We sit down to eat and Jasmine takes a bite and says are these ta tor tauts old ? I told her No they are not , she takes a second bite are they cooked she says? Holy crap ya there cooked Do you guys want to start fending for your selves Because this sucks . Jas don't like veggies or Pork, Jade eats nothing but rolls with Jelly and corn , I'm on a Diet so the Jentry and Johnny are the only ones that eat most of the time unless its A roast that I've cooked or Spaghetti.

All I Need is one more Boss around here!!!!!!!!!
It's all Good Though I Love them all to Pieces I guess they are just being honest.

I just want Jasmine to Know How proud I am of Her She got all A's and a couple of A- I'm not sure where this kid came from But she is very smart. She likes to make Her Dad dig a little deeper each time for more Money!!Lol

In case anybody was wondering I'm going to the Bahamas In Feb, With Johnny No not this time But with My Friend Jen And I am so excited We must have two Awesome Husbands To be letting us go On our own . Jen thank you so much for asking me Togo with you I can't wait You are an amazing friend and I Love you to Death!!!!!!


  1. So jealous. Have a blast in the Bahamas!
    the honesty of little ones kills me. Louk started looking at my waist and said, "mom what is all this?" and pushed a finger in some back fat. Good to see your hubby last weekend.

  2. Hey dear sorry about the cooking lessons, I guess you didn't pay attention, Next time let me show you what to do, If your family don't like your cooking just call the bowling alley and order out, We still love ya. Mom
